NFC Apps

The following list show most popular free NFC Apps used to read and write on NFC Tags :

NFC TagInfo by NXP

TagInfo is the second application provided to you by NXP Semiconductors that utilizes the Near Field Communication technology. NXP Semiconductors is the co-inventor of NFC and we do not only provide services to professionals but we like to provide utilities and apps for the masses as well. We are keen to help you explore NFC features of your devices and to make you enjoy the technology.

NFC TagWriter by NXP

The NXP TagWriter application stores contacts, bookmarks, geo location, Bluetooth Handover, SMS, Mail, text messages and many more to any NFC-enabled tags as well as to items like poster, business cards, watches and many more containing NFC-enabled electronics. Once data has been stored the application allows also reading and viewing the programmed data including options to launch applications automatically based on the contained data.


You can use this app to associate multiple functions (e.g. Wlan OFF, Bluetooth ON, Mobile Data TOGGLE, start navigation,run Tasker task, start any installed app, use media buttons, call a phone number, add a timestamp, calendar entry, add Text-to-Speech and much more!) to a NFC (near field communication) tag via an app internal database.

NFC Writer by Tagstand

This application supports NFC Forum Type 1, Type 2, Type 3 and Type 4 Tags as well as third party NFC Enabled tags like the MIFARE Classic, DESFire, Ultralight and Ultralight C. The app is configured to allow you to write multiple tags without leaving the write screen.

NFC Launchit

NFC Launchit is the best NFC tag writer in the market. It is totally free and does not display any banner ads. You can program NFC tags with actions like 'Launch Nokia Maps' or any other app, launching one of the system settings like Wifi and Bluetooth, and special actions like calling or texting a specific person.

Smart Tags

Scan, create and share NFC tag information and barcodes all in one place with the Smart Tags app from BlackBerry. The Smart Tags app allows you to be creative in how you share information